Monday, June 20, 2011

UPDATE: Megan Nicole

Everyone one of us has a cycle of everyday activities. From the moment we wake up till we dozed our eyes off. Doing household chores, working out, playing, reading, schoolwork etc. without these our life wouldn't be complete. Does this question puffs in your head - What do stars/celebrities do in their typical day? Well, I think we have the answer for that. How about taking a look at Megan Nicole's new video.

Day in the Life of Megan Nicole

This video shows Megan Nicole's video clips of her typical day. Her fun moments at the studio. Visiting one of her fan, which is totally my favorite. Her performances at different places. Just see it for yourself!


June 24, 2011 - Megan Nicole would be having a show at Seattle
July 16, 2011 - New Single would be released

Grab a pen and start marking your calendars because Megan Nicole will rock our world!


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